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Municipal heating and cooling planning (CHAMP)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, European Climate Initiative (EUKI)

01/12/2024 – 30/04/2027

441 749,29 Euro

BSERC, Bulgaria (Lead partner); REGEA, Croatia; CRES, Greece

Article 25.6 of the recast Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) obliges the larger EU municipalities (> 45 000 inhabitants) to develop municipal heating and cooling (HC) plans. Given the low level of readiness of Bulgaria, Croatia and Greece to implement this new obligation, the project aims to support them by:

  • Providing local authorities with planning methodology, templates, and guidelines;
  • Increasing the knowledge of local authorities; and
  • Improving the HC planning framework at national/local level.

The CHAMP project will:

  • Conduct analysis and prepare recommendations on policy, legislation, financing and data availability;
  • Develop a methodology for HC plans that meets all EED requirements, which will be tested in 1 pilot municipality in each country, supported by a local working group;
  • Develop templates, guidelines and proposal of planning tools;
  • Prepare capacity building materials and deliver training to local authorities.