The Association “Black Sea Energy Research Centre” (BSERC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation established in 2007 as a successor of the Black Sea Regional Energy Centre (BSERC), which was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the European Commission (SYNERGY Programme) and the countries of the Black Sea region. BSERC is registered in Sofia, Bulgaria, in accordance with the national legislation in force.
The main mission of the Association is to support the development and transformation of the energy sector and the identification and transfer of best practices to achieve more sustainable energy production and consumption, both at the national and European levels, using the knowledge and skills of renowned energy experts from different fields of energy science and practice.
To meet its objectives, the Centre implements projects and conducts research on various aspects of the energy sector with the financial support of European Union funds and programmes, international and national funding institutions. Believing that meaningful changes can only be achieved through successful partnerships, BSERC actively cooperates with energy sector organisations, ministries, public and private enterprises, specialists – not only from Bulgaria but across the entire Black Sea region, thus ensuring that the real needs of energy market stakeholders are effectively addressed.
Harmonisation of Bulgarian legislation with EU energy legislation
BSERC has been actively involved in aligning the country’s energy legislation with the European Union standards to enhance the investment climate and encourage foreign investment in the energy sector.
In collaboration with EU and local consultants, the Centre has performed projects aimed at implementing the key requirements and provisions of the main EU political and legislative documents.
The Centre has also played a significant role in drafting and supporting the development of several key legislative documents at national level – the Energy Act, the Energy Efficiency Act, the Energy from Renewable Sources Act, the Energy Strategy and several secondary regulations. Additionally, BSERC has provided expert support to the State Energy Regulatory Commission for the development of the Energy Services Quality Regulation and the development of Electricity Network and Metering Codes, both crucial for the future liberalisation of the electricity market.
Security of energy supply and promotion of renewable energy and climate protection
The Centre has undertaken a number of initiatives and studies dedicated to the diversification of energy supply and enhancement of the interconnection of electricity grid.
In addition, numerous projects have been implemented to promote renewable energy, focused on:
- Transfer of RES-utilization technologies;
- Evaluation of the economic, environmental, social, and policy aspects;
- Financing sources and schemes;
- Technical complications related to the integration of RES installations to the grid;
- Legislation and regulations;
- RES deployment strategies and research priorities;
- Encouraging the creation and expansion of energy communities and citizen-led energy projects;
- Training, promotion and dissemination.
Energy efficiency and rational use of energy
Reducing energy consumption and achieving energy savings are critical priorities for the economies of the EU and its Member States. The Centre has devoted a significant part of its activities to this area. Extensive experience and expertise have been gained in performing energy audits in industry and in building sector, assessing the EE potential at national and local levels, development of municipal energy balances and plans, training and dissemination of EU best practices.
To strengthen its capacity, the Centre actively collaborates with high level experts from the Technical Universities of Sofia and Varna. Jointly with them, the Centre has successfully performed a number of projects on the rational use of energy (RUE) both in industrial and building sectors.
Energy efficiency services (EES) have gained increasing importance in recent years. The Centre has put efforts to support the development of EES market in Bulgaria. Its activities include assistance to private EES providers in developing marketing strategies and business plans, offering training, developing a code of conduct, and promoting best practices.
At the legislative level the Centre has contributed to the development of the Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan of Bulgaria. It has also played a key role in the drafting of the Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Act and in aligning Bulgarian legislation with the Energy Services Directive and Energy Efficiency Directive (see CA-ESD and CA-EED projects).
Since 2023, BSERC has been actively involved in the preparation of the implementation of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) in Bulgaria.
Training, promotion and dissemination of information
One of the core objectives of the BSERC’s activities is to disseminate information and raise awareness about policies, technologies, financing, experience and knowledge in the energy sector, targeting both the general public and key stakeholders. The Centre organises information and communication campaigns, workshops, conferences, seminars, and training sessions. It also develops and maintains project websites and social media profiles, and publishes newsletters, brochures and other materials.
The Centre has organised or has been involved in the organisation of several high-level conferences, dozens of seminars, workshops, roundtables, training courses, and other events, both in Bulgaria and across the countries of the Black Sea region.
Since the establishment of BSREC in 1995, the Centre has participated in more than 80 projects funded by various European Union programmes: SYNERGY, PHARE, THERMIE, SAVE, Leonardo da Vinci, Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development (FP5, FP6, FP7), Intelligent Energy – Europe, Horizon 2020, LIFE, Bulgaria-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme, INTERREG Danube. Outside the EU funds, the Centre has worked on projects funded by USAID, BSTDB, WB, CIDA, EBRD, CEE Bankwatch Network, as well as national institutions and funds such as the Ministry of Energy and the National Trust Eco Fund.