European Commission, Intelligent Energy Europe Programme
18/04/2012 – 17/04/2015
2 300 367 Euro
Euro Vertice, Spain (Coordinator); ENEL Distribution, Italy; ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH, Germany; Energiaextremadura, Spain; KSSENA, Slovenia; EKODOMA, Latvia; Polish Network Energie Cites, Poland; Energy Agency of Bucharest, Romania; Tartu Regional Energy Agency, Estonia; Stratagem Ltd., Cyprus; Cyprus Energy Agency, Cyprus; DOOR, Croatia; Local Councils’ Association, Malta; Associazione Borghi Autentici d’Italia, Italy; Sogesca Ltd., Italy; BSERC, Bulgaria; DUNEA, Croatia
MESHARTILITY had two main objectives:
- To explore challenges and barriers relevant to data issues related to the development of SEAPs by local authorities (LAs);
- To propose solutions to LAs and utilities on how to deal with these issues by generating a win-win situation.
The aim of the project was to support the development and implementation of SEAPs. To do this, it is necessary to know in detail the energy consumption in order to identify and then address the problem areas. It also helps to know where the greater potential is for reducing energy demand and to implement low-cost and energy efficiency measures. Without such knowledge of energy consumption by sector and area it is not possible to make efficient energy planning that will be effective and dynamic, feeding back into the process of change in consumption over the time.
The main results achieved were the following:
- Analysis of relevant legal frameworks in 12 project countries and on the EU level;
- Collection of good data sharing practices developed in different regions of Europe and development of new good practices;
- Development of guidance booklet on dealing with community data at the municipal level;
- Development of local cooperation schemes between municipalities and energy utilities;
- Preparation and sharing of recommendations for EU and national policy makers on improving the collection and access to data;
- Support to 80 municipalities in compiling Baseline Emission Inventories and development of reliable Sustainable Energy Action Plans;
- Identification of financial sources that can be used to implement sustainable energy actions;
- Implementation of 141 investments in EE and RES in pilot municipalities.